Created by Dr Arul James, a UK-based consultant in anaesthesia and chronic pain medicine (aruljames.co.uk).
On-Demand & Accessible Anywhere: ARiRA’s regional anaesthesia course is accessible on mobile (iOS & Android), tablets, laptops, and desktops, offering flexible learning that fits into your busy schedule.
Immersive Multimedia Learning: Experience a unique interactive regional anaesthesia course with 3D anatomy, augmented reality (AR), cadaver dissections, ultrasound images, and ARiRA’s exclusive Ultra-Slide probe control for a "virtual hands-on" learning experience.
Interactive Ultrasound Simulator: Master regional anaesthesia techniques with an ultrasound simulator, which allows you to train in a realistic, virtual environment as part of our comprehensive regional anaesthesia course.
Online Atlas for Regional Anaesthesia: Access ARiRA’s comprehensive Online Atlas for Regional Anaesthesia, offering detailed anatomical guidance and evidence-based techniques that go beyond traditional resources.
Learning for All Skill Levels: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, ARiRA caters to your needs.
CPD Certification: Upon completing the regional anaesthesia course, receive a CPD Certification from ARiRA, meeting your annual CPD requirements and enhancing your professional qualifications.
Always Updated & Evidence-Based: ARiRA’s regional anaesthesia course is updated regularly to reflect the latest research and best clinical practices, ensuring that you stay at the forefront of regional anaesthesia techniques.
7 day Free Trial - Limited time offer !

ARiRA - Individual Plan
Online Ultrasound guided Regional Anaesthesia Course
Valid for 12 months
Clinical Indications
Patient Positioning
Augmented Surface Anatomy
3D Internal Anatomy
Cadaver Glide-View ©
Sono-anatomy Glide-View ©
Ultrasound Probe selection
3D/AR Probe Positioning
Ultra-Slide © Probe Control
Interactive Sono-Simulator
3D/AR Needle Insertion
Local anaesthetic distribution
Precautions / Complications
Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks covered
Intermediate cervical plexus block
Interscalene brachial plexus block
Superior trunk block
Supraclavicular brachial plexus block
Costo-clavicular brachial plexus block
Infra-clavicular brachial plexus block
Suprascapular nerve block - anterior approach
Suprascapular nerve block - posterior approach
Axillary brachial plexus block
Musculocutaneous nerve block
Intercostobrachial nerve block
Median nerve block in arm
Median nerve block in antecubital fossa
Median nerve block in the forearm
Radial nerve block in arm
Radial nerve block in antecubital fossa
Ulnar nerve block in arm
Ulnar nerve block in the forearm
PECS 1 block
PECS 2 block
Serratus plane block
Erector spinae plane block
Rectus sheath block
Subcostal TAP block
Lateral TAP block
Quadratus lumborum plane block
Ilio-inguinal Ilio-hypogastric nerve block
Supra-inguinal fascia iliaca block
Infra-inguinal fascia iliaca block
Femoral nerve block
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block
Adductor canal block
Genicular nerves of the knee block
IPACK knee block
Popliteal sciatic nerve block
Posterior tibial nerve block
Saphenous nerve block in ankle
Deep peroneal nerve block
Superficial peroneal nerve block
Sural nerve block
For Course / Department / Institute Licence
Email now - info@arira.co.uk
Offer ARiRA Regional Anaesthesia Course to your delegates & Revolutionise Regional Anaesthesia training!

Master Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks with the ARiRA Regional Anaesthesia Course
Each chapter of the ARiRA Regional Anaesthesia Course provides in-depth, step-by-step guidance to help anaesthetists master ultrasound-guided nerve block procedures effectively.
The course covers essential techniques, industry best practices, and expert insights, empowering you to excel in nerve block procedures with accuracy and confidence.